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Important Message: Keep your account up to date! Some life event changes let you have a Special Enrollment Period (SEP) to sign up for a 2024 health plans, or change plans. Our Customer Support Center is open weekdays from 8am-4:30pm. Call us at 855-899-9600.

List of Abbreviations

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | U | V | W |


  • ACA — Affordable Care Act
  • ACCS — Assistive Community Care Services, Vermont
  • ACO — Accountable care organization
  • ADA – Americans with Disabilities Act
  • ADA — American Dental Association
  • ADAP — Division of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Programs, Vermont
  • ADPC — Application and Document Processing Center, Vermont
  • AOEP — Annual Open Enrollment Period
  • AHS — Agency of Human Services, Vermont
  • AIDS — Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
  • AMA — American Medical Association
  • ANFC — Aid to needy families with children
  • AOE — Agency of Education, Vermont
  • APA —Administrative Procedures Act
  • APTC — Advance Premium Tax Credit
  • ASD — Adult Services Division, Vermont
  • ATC – Access to care
  • AV — Actuarial value


  • BCBSVT — Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Vermont
  • BCCT — Breast and Cervical Cancer Treatment Program
  • BPS — Benefits programs specialist


  • CAC — Certified application counselor
  • CCIIO — Center for Consumer Information & Insurance Oversight, federal
  • CHT — Community Health Team
  • CIS — Children's Integrated Services
  • CMN — Certificate of Medical Necessity
  • CMS — Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, federal
  • COA — Council on Aging
  • COB — Coordination of benefits
  • COBRA — Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act
  • COLA — Cost-of-living adjustment
  • CPI — Center for Program Integrity, federal
  • CSHN — Children with special health needs
  • CSR — Cost sharing reductions
  • CURB — Clinical Utilization Review Board, Vermont


  • DAIL— Department of Aging and Independent Living, Vermont
  • DCF — Department for Children and Families, Vermont
  • DCHC — Disabled Children’s Home Care, Vermont
  • DDS — Disability Determination Services, Vermont
  • DFR — Department of Financial Regulation, Vermont
  • DHS — Department of Homeland Security, federal
  • DMH — Department of Mental Health, Vermont
  • DO — District office, Vermont
  • DOA — Date of application
  • DOB — Date of birth
  • DOC — Department of Corrections, Vermont
  • DOH — Department of Health, Vermont (see VDH)
  • DR. D — Dr. Dynasaur
  • DSH — Disproportionate Share Hospital
  • DUR — Drug Utilization Review Board, Vermont
  • DVHA — Department of Vermont Health Access


  • EA — Emergency Assistance
  • EAVS — Electronic asset verification system
  • EBT — Electronic Benefits Transfer
  • EFT — Electronic funds transfer
  • EHB — Essential health benefits
  • EHR — Electronic health record
  • EITC — Earned Income Tax Credit
  • EMS – Emergency Medical Services
  • EOMB — Explanation of Medicare (or Medicaid) benefits
  • EP — Essential person
  • EPSDT — Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis & Treatment
  • ER — Emergency room
  • ERC — Enhanced Residential Care
  • ESD — Economic Services Division, Vermont
  • ESI — Employer-sponsored insurance
  • ESRD — End-stage renal disease
  • EVS — Eligibility verification system


  • FA — Fiscal agent
  • FADS — Fraud abuse & detection system
  • FDA — Food & Drug Administration
  • FEHB — Federal Employee Health Benefits
  • FEIN — Federal Employer Identification Number
  • FFE — Federally-facilitated Exchange
  • FFP — Federal financial participation
  • FFS — Fee-for-service
  • FH — Fair Hearing
  • FICA — Federal Insurance Contribution Act
  • FMAP — Federal medical assistance percentage
  • FPL — Federal poverty level
  • FPO — Family planning option
  • FQHC — Federally Qualified Health Centers


  • GA — General Assistance
  • GAO — Government Accountability Office, federal
  • GC — Global Commitment to Health
  • GCR — Global Commitment Register, Vermont
  • GF — General fund
  • GMC — Green Mountain Care
  • GMCB — Green Mountain Care Board, Vermont
  • GME — Graduate medical education


  • HAEEU — Health Access Eligibility and Enrollment Unit
  • HBE — Health benefit exchange
  • HCBS —Home and community-based services (also called long-term care)
  • HCERA — Health Care & Education Reconciliation Act of 2010
  • HHA — Home health agency
  • HHS — Health and Human Services, federal
  • HIE — Health information exchange
  • HIPAA — Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act
  • HIPP — Health Insurance Premium Payment Program
  • HIT — Health information technology
  • HITECH —HIT for economic & clinical health
  • HIV — Human immunodeficiency virus
  • HIX — Health insurance exchange
  • HRA — Health reimbursement account
  • HRSA — Health Resources and Services Administration, federal
  • HSA — Health savings account
  • HSB — Human Services Board, Vermont
  • HSS — Healthcare services specialist
  • HVP — Healthy Vermonters Program


  • ICD — International Classification of Diseases
  • ICF/IID — Intermediate Care Facility for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities
  • ICM — Integrated care management
  • ICU — Intensive care unit
  • IE & E — Integrated Eligibility and Enrollment program
  • IEVS — Income and Eligibility Verification System
  • IRS — Internal Revenue Service
  • ISRA — Information security risk assessment
  • IV & V —Independent validation & verification
  • IVS — Intervention services


  • LIHEAP— Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program
  • LIS — Low-income subsidy or limited-income subsidy
  • LIT — Local Interagency Team, Vermont
  • LTC — Long-term care (also called home and community-based services)


  • MA — Medicare Advantage – Medicare Part C
  • MABD — Medicaid for the Aged, Blind and Disabled
  • MAC — Maximum Allowable Cost
  • MAGI — Modified adjusted gross income
  • MAPCP — Multi-Payer Advanced Primary Care Practice
  • MAT —Medication assisted treatment
  • MBI – Medicare beneficiary identifier
  • MCE — Managed Care Entity
  • MCH — Maternal and child health
  • MCO — Managed care organization
  • MCP — Managed care plan
  • MEAC — Medicaid and Exchange Advisory Committee, Vermont
  • MEC — Minimum essential coverage
  • MEQC — Medicaid Eligibility Quality Control (a federal audit of Vermont’s Medicaid program)
  • MFRAU — Medicaid Fraud & Residential Abuse Unit, Vermont
  • MID — Medicaid beneficiary identification number (also called unique identification number)
  • MIC — Medicaid Integrity Contractor
  • MIG — Medicaid integrity group, federal
  • MIP — Medicaid Integrity Program
  • MIPPA – Medicare Improvement for Patients and Providers Act
  • MITA — Medicaid Information Technology Architecture
  • MMA — Medicare Modernization Act
  • MMIS — Medicaid Management Information System
  • MNF — Medical necessity form
  • MOE — Maintenance of Effort
  • MOOP — Maximum out-of-pocket (also called out-of-pocket maximum)
  • MSP — Medicare Savings Programs
  • MTM — Medication therapy management
  • MVP — MVP Health Care
  • MWPD – Medicaid for Working People with Disabilities


  • NAIC — National Association of Insurance Commissioners
  • NAMI — National Association for Mental Illness
  • NCQA — National Committee for Quality Assurance
  • NEDD — Northeast Delta Dental
  • NEMT — Non-Emergency Medical Transportation


  • OASDI — Old Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance (also called Social Security)
  • OCS — Office of Child Support, Vermont
  • OCSE — Office of Child Support Enforcement, federal
  • OEO — Office of Economic Opportunity, Vermont
  • OEP — Open Enrollment Period
  • OHRA — Oral health risk assessment
  • OOPM — Out-of-pocket maximum (also called maximum out-of-pocket)
  • OTC — Over the counter
  • OV — Office visit


  • PACE — Programs of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly
  • PACE – Policy and communication evaluation
  • PARIS — Public Assistance Reporting Information System
  • PBA — Pharmacy benefits administrator
  • PBM — Pharmacy benefits manager
  • PC Plus — VT Primary Care Plus
  • PCCM — Primary Care Case Management
  • PCMH — Patient-centered medical home
  • PCP — Primary care provider
  • PDL — Preferred drug list
  • PDP — Prescription drug plan
  • PEP — Principal earner parent
  • PERM — Payment Error Rate Measurement, (a federal audit program)
  • PHI — Protected health information
  • PHO — Physician hospital organization
  • PI — Program integrity
  • PII — Personally identifiable information
  • PIL — Protected income level
  • PIP — Performance Improvement Project, Vermont
  • PMPM — Per member per month
  • PNMI — Private Non-Medical Institution, Vermont
  • PPACA — Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act
  • PPPM — Per patient per month
  • PRO — Peer review organization
  • PRWORA — Personal Responsibility & Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act
  • PSE — Post-secondary education
  • PTC — Premium tax credit


  • QC — Quality control
  • QHP — Qualified health plan
  • QI — Qualified individual
  • QMB — Qualified Medicare Beneficiary
  • QSEHRA – Qualified Small Employer Health Reimbursement Arrangement
  • QDWI — Qualified Disabled Working Individual


  • RA — Remittance advice
  • RBC — Risk based capital
  • RFI — Request for information
  • RFP — Request for proposals
  • RR — Railroad retirement
  • RU — Reach Up program


  • SAMHSA — Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, federal
  • SBC — Summary of benefits and coverage
  • SBE —State-Based Exchange
  • SCHIP — State Children's Health Insurance Program
  • SDX — State data exchange system
  • SEP — Special Enrollment Period
  • SERFF — System for Electronic Rate & Form Filing
  • SHIP – State Health Insurance Program, Vermont
  • SHOP — Small Business Health Options Program
  • SILC — Statewide Independent Living Council, Vermont
  • SLMB — Specified Low-Income Medicare Beneficiary
  • SMDL — State Medicaid Director’s Letter
  • SMM — State Medicaid manual
  • SNAP — Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
  • SNF — Skilled nursing facility
  • SPA — State plan amendment
  • SPAP —State Pharmaceutical Assistance Program
  • SPR — Safeguard Procedures Report
  • SSA — Social Security Administration
  • SSA — State Self-Assessment
  • SSBG — Social Services Block Grant, Vermont and federal
  • SSDI – Social Security Disability Insurance
  • SSI — Supplemental Security Income
  • SSN — Social Security number


  • TANF — Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program (Reach Up in Vermont)
  • TBI — Traumatic brain injury
  • TIN — Taxpayer Identification Number
  • TM — Transitional Medicaid
  • TPA — Third party administrator
  • TPL — Third party liability


  • UC — Unemployment Compensation
  • UI — Unemployment insurance
  • UIB — Unemployment insurance benefits
  • UID — Unique identification number


  • VA — Veterans Administration
  • VABVI — Vermont Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired
  • VAHHA — Vermont Assembly of Home Health Agencies
  • VAHHS — Vermont Association of Hospital & Health Systems
  • VCCI — Vermont Chronic Care Initiative
  • VCIL — Vermont Center for Independent Living
  • VCSA — Vermont Cost-Sharing Assistance (also called Vermont Cost-Sharing Reduction)
  • VCSR—Vermont Cost-Sharing Reduction (also called Vermont Cost-Sharing Assistance)
  • VDH — Vermont Department of Health
  • VDOL — Vermont Department of Labor
  • VHC — Vermont Health Connect
  • VIP — Vermont Independence Project
  • VISION — Vermont’s Integrated Solution for Information and Organizational Needs
  • VLA — Vermont Legal Aid
  • VMAP — Vermont Medication Assistance Program
  • VMS — Vermont Medical Society
  • VNA — Visiting Nurses Association
  • VNGM — Vermont Next Generation Medicaid
  • VPA — Vermont Premium Assistance
  • VPHARM —Vermont Pharmacy Benefits Program
  • VPQHC — Vermont Program for Quality in Health Care
  • VR — Vocational Rehabilitation, Vermont
  • VSA — Vermont Statutes Annotated
  • VSDS — Vermont State Dental Society
  • VSEA — Vermont State Employees Association
  • VTM — Vermont Medicaid (as primary health coverage)


  • WIC — Women, Infants & Children