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Important Message: Did you get advance premium tax credits (APTC) last year? Did you have Medicaid coverage for any period? Your 1095-A or 1095-B is available from your online account in the “My Notices & Communications” tab.

2019 Eligibility Tables

Vermont Health Connect (VHC) is the state of Vermont’s health benefit exchange. Vermonters with qualifying incomes may get financial help paying for their VHC health plan. The tables below show the type of financial help you can if you have an income that qualifies. The tables are based on the Federal Poverty Level, which is updated each year by the federal Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). You can compare your Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) to the tables below to find out if you’re likely eligible for financial help. 

2019 Income Thresholds for APTC/VPA/CSR (Using 2018 FPLs)

Vermont Household Income Thresholds for Advanced Premium Tax Credits (APTC), Vermont Premium Assistance (VPS),
and Cost Sharing Reductions (CSR)
Eligibility for 2019 Benefits Determined Based on 2018 Federal Poverty Level (FPL)
Upper FPL% and annual income limits for: Silver 94  Silver 87  Silver 77  Silver 73  APTC only
Household Size* 100% (for reference) 150% 200% 250% 300% 400%
1 $12,140 $18,210 $24,280 $30,350 $36,420 $48,560
2 $16,460 $24,690 $32,920 $41,150 $49,380 $65,840
3 $20,780 $31,170 $41,560 $51,950 $62,340 $83,120
4 $25,100 $37,650 $50,200 $62,750 $75,300 $100,400
5 $29,420 $44,130 $58,840 $73,550 $88,260 $117,680
6 $33,740 $50,610 $67,480 $84,350 $101,220 $134,960
7 $38,060 $57,090 $76,120 $95,150 $114,180 $152,240
8 $42,380 $63,570 $84,760 $105,950 $127,140 $169,520
For each additional person add: $4,320 $6,480 $8,640 $10,800 $12,960 $17,280
*Household size = tax filer + spouse (even if they live apart) + tax filer's dependents. Married couples must file jointly to be eligible for APTC and CSR.

Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) relative to the 2018 Federal Poverty Level (FPL) is used to determine eligibility for 2019 Advanced Premium Tax Credits (APTC), Vermont Premium Assistance (VPA), and Enhanced Silver plans with cost-sharing reductions (CSR). MAGI relative to 2019 FPL will be used to determine eligibility for Medicaid and Dr. Dynasaur until April 2020 when 2020 FPL will be adopted.

Income Thresholds for Medicaid and Dr. Dynasaur - April 2019 through March 2020

Eligibility for Benefits Determined in Relation to 2019 Federal Poverty Level (FPL)
Upper FPL% and monthly income limits for: Medicaid for Adults Pregnant Women Children under 19
Household Size* 133% of FPL + 5% disregard 208% of FPL + 5% disregard 312% of FPL + 5% disregard
1 $1,437.05 N/A $3,300.05
2 $1,945.50 $3,002.50 $4,467.50
3 $2,453.90 $3,786.90 $5,634.90
4 $2,961.30 $4,571.30 $6,802.30
5 $3,469.75 $5,355.75 $7,970.75
6 $3,978.15 $6,140.15 $9,138.15
7 $4,486.55 $6,924.55 $10,305.55
8 $4,995.00 $7,709.00 $11,473.00
*Effective 1/1/14, Medicaid for Children and Adults (MCA) has no resource test. The FPL% limits listed above include the program threshold plus a 5% income disregard.
Eligibility requirements for the Aged, Blind and Disabled (MABD) can be found at


Click here to see FPL tables for a different year.